class of `07

class of oo7. license to kill.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Okay, so I haven't died...yet.
OMG, this has been one EVENTFUL trip. Haha, I'm never coming to Bombay again!!
Two MAJOR things, Three RETARDED days.
So my grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousins, me, parents, sister went to this AWESOME hill station on Friday. It was super scary deciding whether to go, 'cause the roads apparently had rockslides and all but we made it to the hugee bungalow safely. Haha, then my cousin unpacked his PS2 and we like played the whole day!!
(Sanj playing video games??! Aaah!) Lol, no, it was super fun. And the next day, we went touristing. I took awesome pics of the view, so I'll put them up later (: And I rode a horse (with my daddy of course). (AAH! Sanj riding horses??!!! Aren't they dangerous?!)
Haha, yeahh it was pretty awesome. The last day, we drove down to Pune to see our houses there. I forgot to take a pic, but it's super cool, like an Italian villa. And for buying that, we got membership to this Greek club next door, which is AMAZING!!! They have a swimming pool and waterfalls and the decor is SO NOT INDIA aka it's CLEAN! My god, it reallly felt like America, and it has a superb view.
Okay! At this point the day is going WAY TOO GOOD. *DRUMROLL* Enter bad news. Someone desecrated a statue of this politician's wife, and huge riots erupted all over the city. They're like burning buses in the areas we have to go through to get home. And everyone's calling and saying, 'Don't leave, don't leave. Stay where you're safe.' Like by this point, I'm SOO scared. I've never been in a riot before.
All I could think was, 'I don't wanna die!! I wanna go to Harvard before I die!!' I was so freaked the whole ride. Khushi got jealous when I snuggled up to my dad, but I was really, really nervous. By the time we reached the Bombay suburbs, it had died down, and hundreds of protestors were waiting for buses. I was like, 'How do you know they want to ride the bus, and not burn it?' Haha, but we made it home. Safe and SO sleepy.
The next days were okayy.
Yesterday afternoon, I got my graduation dance dress!! I'm not telling (: but I'll say one word: Titanic.
Haha, go figure! Then my sis nd I got stuff for Diwali and the parents obviously bought their stuff...yupp. I was so bored when my dad was buying his shirts I tested eyeliner and checked out all the makeup (: Loreal was more expensive there!, so Walgreens = best bet.
Haha. fine Target, not Walgreens. It's the company not the store (:
Okay, so again Day = TOO GOOD. So, we're shopping, right? And suddenly my uncle calls from his office, 'Bomb blasts. Go home.' Grr. And my mom's trying on clothes, so we like bought them and ran, to see if our driver was there. And we're like hearing random numbers. Some say '2' others say '5'. It took over an hour to get home, and we found out there were 7 all in trains. Millions of people stranded at stations and walking home. The buses were CROWDED beyond usual India CROWD. And bombs in trains, how encouraging when you're going to use them on Saturday. And not even in second class--first class compartments.
But, I survived. Yeah.
What an eventful trip.
More later and Loves!!


Blogger class of `07 said...

thas pretty crazy...
cuz like they gave me something to gurgle, but i swallowed it, n it was toxic...
BUT I LIVED!!!!!!!
- maya

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol maya ur cool. superhero's never die. DUH.

6:26 PM  
Blogger class of `07 said...

well, superheroes can get pretty sick (which is where there SIDEKICKS COME IN! - notice if you take out the idek and the s at the end - sidekicks becomes sick! haha).... hope u survive to get back. cuz im depending on u for jamba juice at stanford camp! haha. but really, i hope ur safe... crossing my fingers. -mishee :-*
ps did u see??? campbelll library has the dvorak concerto on a cd! and its sarah chang! only the library ppl covered her face on the cd cover! grrrr.

12:54 PM  
Blogger class of `07 said...

they made u swallow something toxic??
as patrick would say *slight roll of eyes* [ehhehh] SUE THEM!
okay. we are OVER with being PATRICK.
I need to gargle in like salt water or some chemical.
Hope it's not toxic...

7:12 PM  
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6:32 AM  
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1- البدء بتنظيف الموكيت والكنب والمفروشات والسجاد بالأعتماد على أحدث المعدات

الألكترونية التى تعمل بالبخار لكى
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إزالة الأوساخ والبقع
2- ثم بعد ذالك يأتى دور البلاط والأرضيات فيقوم العمال بجلى البلاط والأرضيات بأحدث

ألالآت جلى البلاط والأرضيات

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المملكة ووجود مياه البحر المحلاة التى تحمل الكثير من الرمال والأتربة مما يؤدى
ذالك إلى تكون الفطريات والجراثيم على
جدران الخزان ويؤدى ذالك إلى تلوث المياه والتى بدورها تؤدى إلى تسمم الفرد إذا فما الحل ؟
الحل تقدمه لكم شركة العربى وهى أفضل
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الأجهزة الألكترونية و طاقم عمل يتكون من فنيين وخبراء منهم فنيين أجانب ونسعى جاهدين

لتقديم أفضل خدمة بأقل سعر وإرضاء العميل واسعارنا حصرية لا تقبل المنافسة لدينا فى

شركة كشف تسربات المياه بحائل

شركة الكمال أفضل (( شركة نقل عفش بحائل )) نقل العفش من الأمور الهامة جدا (( شركة نقل

عفش بحائل )) التى يلزم فبها الدقة والخبرة للحد ولذالك خصصنا قسما فى شركتنا لمجال
نقل العفش مع تجهيزه :-
1- أسطول كبير من السياراة المجهزة والتى (( شركة نقل عفش بحائل )) أعدن خصيصا

لنقل العفش
2- طافم العمل المدرب على حمل وتنزيل العفش والأثاث
3- فنيين متخصصين فى الفك والتركيب (( شركة نقل عفش بحائل ))
ومايجعل نقل الاثاث من أشهر الخدمات التى يكثر عليها الطلب هوا أن معظم العملاء يقومون

بتغيير عفشهم القديم أكثر من مرة فى العام ويرجع ذالك أيضا إلى أنا
العملاء يقومون بتأجير الفلل والقصور والشقق وذالك لأنهم يحبون تغير الجو ولذالك يكون اعتما

نا فى شركة العربى على أحسن تقنيات نقل الاثاث بداخل وخارج
حائل ونقل الاثاث من الأعمال شديدة الكثافة لذا تحتاج إلى

شركة نقل اثاث بحائل

دقة عالية ومهارة فى فك العفش وحمله وإنزاله إلى السياراة وتغليفه لتقليل من شدة الصدمات

تعرضه للكسر وللخدش أيضا ونستخدم فى شركة العربى أفضل وأحدث السيارات المجهزة

خصيصا لنقل العفش

8:10 AM  

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